Prof. Dr. Rini Rachmawati S.Si. M.T. is an esteemed Professor in Urban Geography at the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. With a rich background in Geography and Urban and Regional Planning, she has developed a deep expertise in areas such as Smart City Village and Region, Urban Development, Urban Geography, and Regional Development.
As the Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada, and the Head of the Master Program in Regional Development, Prof. Rachmawati plays a pivotal role in shaping the academic discourse in her field. Her involvement extends to a range of organizations, including the ForUm Network (Forum for Urban Future in Southeast Asia Network of Southeast Asian and German Experts), AURA (Asian Urban Research Association), the Indonesian Association of Urban and Regional Planners (IAP), the Indonesian Association of Geographers (IGI), the Smart Indonesia Initiatives Association (APIC), and as a member of IEEE Smart Community.
Prof. Rachmawati has been the Chairman of the 13th Asian Urbanization Conference held at UGM in 2016 and coordinated the Summer Course on Smart City Village and Region at UGM during 2017, 2018, and 2021. Her research groups focus on Smart City Village and Region, and Urban Development.
In addition to her academic roles, she contributes significantly to public policy and planning. She has served as a Supervisor and Evaluator for Indonesia’s 100 Movement Toward Smart City, the Ministry of Communication and Information’s Smart City Masterplan Development for the Capital City, and the Electronic Based Government System. Her involvement also includes being part of the “National Urban Forum” from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, particularly focusing on Smart Cities, and the Global Expert Working Group on People-Centered Smart Cities under United Nations Habitat.
Her recent research activities center on Smart Sustainable Urban Development and Capital Cities, reflecting her commitment to advancing the field of urban geography and smart city planning. Prof. Rachmawati’s work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also actively influences the development and implementation of smart, sustainable urban policies and practices.
Smart Cities and Smart Urbanism in Indonesia
The development of information and communication technology is one of the driving forces for implementing smart cities in Indonesia. Provision of public services in urban areas is one of the prominent implementations through an electronic-based government system for the case of Indonesia. How information and communication technologies are understood, developed and applied is important to provide conceptual and practical advice in planning productive smart urbanism and in building smart cities. Smart cities and smart
urbanism are trends and answers to pressing urban issues. Innovation and technology are important factors in the new smart city and sustainable urbanism. This study is aimed at identifying the concepts of smart city and smart urbanization and their implementation in Indonesia as well. In addition, it also aims to optimize the implementation of the concept of smart city and smart urbanization in the future. This study employs data analysis techniques from literature studies as well as secondary data collecting and analysis using online sources. The findings show that smart cities are part of smart urbanism in Indonesia, as indicated by the integration of digital technology in the form of developing digital infrastructure, providing services, increasing digital literacy, and developing human resources, as well as aspects of buildings and the environment in urban areas.
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