Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Ms. Vo Dao Chi works as a researcher at the Southern Institute of Social Science (SISS). She has been a PhD student at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)’s Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering since 2020. She holds a master’s degree in Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) from TU Darmstadt and a master’s degree in Environmental Management from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. She has over ten years of research experience in sustainable development, climate change, and, most recently, urban and housing studies.
Her PhD research focuses on housing challenges from the perspective of a housing pathway approach, with a focus on the low-income population in Ho Chi Minh City. It dissects migrant workers’ housing choices and provides policy implications aimed at facilitating the provision of affordable housing and the development of inclusive communities tailored to the particular needs of migrant workers.
Understanding Housing Choice Behaviors of Migrant Workers in rental sector through Housing Pathway Ap-proach: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City
In developing countries, rapid urbanization involves massive migrations of work-ers who seek economic opportunities in cities. Migrant workers often encounter housing problems due to high housing prices and a lack of affordable housing options. This study examines the factors influencing the housing choice be-haviors of migrant workers through the lens of the housing pathway framework introduced by Clapham (2005). Through in-depth interviews conducted with mi-grant workers in Ho Chi Minh City, this study presents the housing trajectories of these workers since their arrival in the city. During the interviews, life histo-ry mapping of the interviewees is also collected. Subsequently, the underlying factors that affect migrants’ housing tenure and location choices are identified through the coding of the interviews using the phenomenological research ap-proach. The study engages in a detailed discussion regarding the housing afford-ability within the context of their social integration in metropolitan areas, includ-ing rental houses/rooms (nhà trọ), which is the most preferred housing type among migrant workers. This study provides a better understanding of the hous-ing choice behaviors of migrant workers, and proposes policy implications aimed at facilitating the provision of affordable housing and the creation of inclusive communities tailored to the specific needs of migrant workers. These recommen-dations are particularly relevant within the South Asian country context
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