
Our Speakers

University of Sciences, Hue University

About the speaker

Dr. Arch. Vo Ngoc Duc is a Senior Lecturer, born in 1979, Hue city, Vietnam. 2015-2019: PhD candidate, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, and Architecture (DICEA), Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy (UNIVPM); From 2010: the master of architecture, Hanoi Architectural University (HAU), Vietnam; 2004-2005: training in the urban design and planning, Ecole d’architecture de Lille, France; From 2002: the Bachelor of Architecture in HAU.

2021-2023: Senior Lecturer, Head of Division of Architecture Interior and Constructive Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Hue University of Sciences (HUSC); 2016-2020: Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, HUSC; 2013-2015: Lecturer, Head of Division of Architecture and Technique, Faculty of Architecture, HUSC; 2002-2012: Lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, HUSC.

From 2010: Member, Association of Architects (VAA). From 2014: Member, Vietnam Association of Urban Planning and Development. He has participated and experienced in some international cooperation projects between HUSC with UNIVPM – Italy, Kyoto University – Japan, Waseda University – Japan in Conservation and Landscape design of the traditional architecture, Sustainable development in architecture.

Presentation highlights

  • What are the values of waterscape?
  • How is the relation between water system and traditional urban structure?
  • What are challenges and opportunities for sustaining urban development in Hue city periphery?

Paper Abstract

Waterscapes: the Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development in the Urban Structure of Hue City in Vietnam

For a long time, waterscape has been as an architectural language for urban design in some cities such as Venice, Amsterdam, Suzhou etc. In the same perspective, during urban formation from 1802 to 1945, water element was closely united with Hue City which was a relevant example of urban planning for sustainable development. Furthermore, the FengShui methodology also sets up water as an indispensable element in layout’s principle. In this context, waterscape of Hue City was built as an unusual combination of human and nature, the ideology of Eastern philosophy and traditional architecture of Vietnam. The  model of waterway was harmoniously unified with  monuments and landscape to create the identity of the local ecological system.

In the last decades, waterscape of Hue City has been experiencing main changes by the impacts of urbanization such as the changing livelihood of local people, environmental pollution, disconnected water, flood, causing variation of the characters of the traditional waterscape, harming the water system. Most of the precedent ideas of waterway tend to be broken down. Studying and identification of characters and values of water network’s structure are as the cultural heritage, tourism potentiality to preserve and promote a sustainable model which orients towards the local technology of environmental self-regulating.

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